The Others / Olivier Culmann

The Others is a project about social codes and means of representation in India. It is based on a series of portraits rendering the visual specificity and dress codes defining Indian men. Within such a compartmented society as India, the aim is to convey the variety of components contributing to building individual identity: religion, caste, social class, occupation, regional origin…

The portraits are subsequently transformed using the various techniques of iconographic creation commonly used in India: raging from neighborhood photo studio, to digital lab alterations with Photoshop-alike softs and portrait painted after photographs…

The Others invites us on a virtual journey through one of most compartmented society but also a country among the world’s most prolific producer of images. In this project Olivier Culmann explores the limits of photography by questioning the construction of social status through practices of self-representation.


The Others has been exhibited entirely in the museum Nicéphore Niépce in Chalon-sur-Saône from October 17th of 2015 and January 17th of 2016.

The project The Others has been realized in partnership with La Souris sur le Gâteau and with the support of Olympus France.
The exhibition is co-produced by the museum Nicéphore Niépce and Central Dupon Images.

Press review (selected) : Le Monde, Telerama, Else (Clément Cherroux), Fisheyes, Libération, L’Humanité, M Magazine, L’Express Styles, l’Obs, L’Officiel des Galeries et Musées, New York Times, Internazionale, Forbes India, VRIJ Nederland


Phase 1

Laminated and framed prints (black wood and glass)
13 prints 100 x 100 cm 18 prints 80 x 80 cm
1 print 100 x 150 cm

Phase 2

Laminated prints on Dibond® (unframed)
20 prints / variable formats (de 13 x 18 cm à 20 x 30 cm)
12 prints 25 x 31 cm
12 prints 18 x 23 cm

Phase 3

Framed prints (black wood and glass)
20 ripped prints 24 x 32 cm
20 rebuilt prints 24 x 32 cm

Phase 4

Canvas assembled on chassis (unframed)
20 acrylics on canvas / 38 x 45 cm 1 acrylic on canvas / 74 x 106 cm