The Zapatista insurrection in Mexico 1995-2013

Exhibition at galerie FAIT & CAUSE


“In 1994, when the world discovered the indigenous uprising in Chiapas, one of the poorest states of Mexico, few realised that it was a new and durable form of struggle, which would rapidly become an emblem for the alter-globalisation movement. Winning a World Press Photo award, Mat Jacob’s work, covering more than twenty years, is a sensitive and accurate account of a non-violent revolt, aiming to promote self-determination and solidarity between autonomous communities as opposed to the pursuit of a more formal type of administration.
The Zapatista movement – as much a cultural as a political one – embodied by the famous and enigmatic Sub-comandante Marcos, wielded influence due to longstanding popularity at home and recognition from abroad.
Mat Jacob’s photos are a true reflection of the dignity and determination of these women and men writing a new page in the long and captivating history of struggles for freedom”.
Benoît Rivero

CHIAPAS, The Zapatista insurrection in Mexico 1995-2013
Galerie FAIT & CAUSE

Opening 8th March 2016 from 6pm to 9pm

From 9th March to 30th April 2016
58 rue Quincampoix, 75004 Paris, France

See the series

☛A book is available from editions Actes Sud (collection Photo Poche Histoire).
